Monday, May 23, 2011

This past weekend was not one of my favorites, I got sooooo sick. I really did feel like I was quite possibly dying, not to sound dramatic or anything! I ended up and got what I'm assuming is what Ryan had - not the full blown bronchitis, but rather a sinus infection times one million with a touch of bronchial issues. Typically, when I'm sick I do a lot of online browsing, but no...this time I had an ice pack on my head and focused on staying mildly conscious. I really, really hate to take medicine, pregnant or not - but especially when I'm pregnant. I know there are medications that are proven to be safe during pregnancy, but my thought is, I want to know I've done everything I could to give my sweet baby girl the healthiest start. I realize that if I don't get better though, that is not benefiting anything either. After some serious discomfort, talking with my doctor and the pharmacist, I am taking sudafed. If I don't start to get some relief I will have to go to my family doctor...while I'm feeling a little better, here's hoping I get some good rest tonight and see some significant improvement!

I have my next OB appointment on Friday, so it will be nice to have a check-up when I'm hopefully back to 'normal.' This appointment is the diabetes screening, which means I get to chug that delicious drink that has been sitting in my fridge since the last appointment....yum!

The bump update will have to wait until I look half-way alive, either that or I'll just crop off my head! We finally have a long weekend coming up, and I am hoping we will have some good weather to enjoy. Perhaps we'll tackle registering, but Ryan found another (non)essential item that I feel is almost a must have, these adorable booties:
I can just see taking pictures of her little feet in these things! Alas, I will continue to try and hold off on buying little things like this until I actually know what she needs, but looking never hurt anyone :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you FINALLY went to the Doctor! I love the little booties! Feel Better!
