Wednesday, June 1, 2011

26 Weeks

I am happy to say I've returned from the land of the sick! I ended up and got bronchitis and had to see my family doctor, but he put me on a z-pack, which again I was reassured was safe to take, and it finally provided some relief. I still actually have a little congestion but I feel soooo much better!

On Friday, I had my OB doctor appointment and I got to drink that delicious orange glucose drink. I managed to chug it all down within the 5 minutes after a pep talk to myself! The doctor visit went well. I have now officially seen all the doctors in my practice and I am really happy with them. I already got my blood work back, and luckily everything is looking good! I can't believe I am nearly in my third trimester!

Bump Update! I had Ryan take some pictures with his ipod because our camera seems to be MIA - they're a little grainy, but you get the idea:

Here are some highlights so far:

Not so shining moment: Throwing up in front of my coworker, thank the lord it was a friend, but it all just happened so fast - so happy that stage is over!

Biggest Cravings: ice cream/frozen yogurt or raspberries. The funny thing though, I feel like I think about raspberries all the time, but I end up and don't eat that many.

Most surprising: I guess I should not be surprised at all by this, but I am amazed at how many people tell you, "you are so big!" -  I get it, I look pregnant, I wouldn't call myself a boat and guess what!? I'm just going to keep getting bigger, but I find myself wondering, am I abnormally large for 26 weeks? Oh well, it's not like I plan on losing weight any time soon.

Crazy Symptoms: Of course I wasn't prepared for the intensity of heartburn - I was told it would happen and I haven't had it too terribly often (at least yet) but there has been a night or two where I woke up and thought, if you could die from heartburn then it was going to happen, but I've lived to tell the tale! I would say I wasn't expecting my tailbone to feel so strange's mostly with standing up and sitting down where it just feels a little strange.


  1. I am not pregnant and I think about raspberries all the time!

    P.S. Vanessa and I are stalking you from work. We think you are so freaking cute! :)

  2. no worries on the not-so-shining moment! :)
    You'll get to remember me every time you tell that story. Lucky you!

  3. You look adorable!! And the old wives tale rang true for me..heartburn = LOT'S of hair :)
