Tuesday, April 24, 2012

the small things

Last week was rather exhausting to say the least...things have been busy and the nights have been long! On Tuesday, I discovered that Emma was finally cutting her first tooth! It was so exciting...her first tooth - this is big kid stuff! We did a little dance around the kitchen to celebrate and it seemed like only hours later that the celebration turned into "oh crap....she's really teething" - she then quickly came down with that ever typical teething cold and all the pain that comes along with it. Poor baby would wake up in the night and just cry. This lasted a few nights in a row, and on Saturday I saw another tooth coming through, both of her bottom teeth are making their debut! I hate to jinx it, but I think we might be through this round of teething pain. She seems to have turned a corner and is back to her happy little self...although she hasn't quite kicked the congestion (hopefully soon though).

Although we were lacking in the sleep department, we did have some fun. Emma is non-stop on the "dada" talk, it is so cute I don't even care that it isn't "mama" - and of course Ryan is eating it up! We also got to try the playground swings for the first time and she was loving it. I can't wait to go again, and it makes me look forward to all the new things we'll get to try...bubbles, swimming, bike rides, wheeeeeee! It really is the small things...

Sunday, April 15, 2012

10 things

Never mind the fact that I haven't posted in ages...I go back and forth with how much (or little) I want to post, but I think I've settled on the idea that I don't mind blogging. Either way, my girl is growing - and growing fast! Emma is now 7 months, woah!  I've learned so much about being a mother, and I'm learning new things every day, but I've found these reoccurring things...
1. no matter how 'light' or fast I may try to walk, every floor board in our house will squeak 2. elmo has super powers 3. riley likes emma much more when she has puffs 4. no matter how much I plug "mama" it is looking like she is going to say "dada" more 5. i will do pretty much anything for giggles 6. water is way more fun to drink out of mom or dad's cup 7. naps are necessary, even for a nosey baby 8. there is no such thing as too many pictures 9. nothing is better than peeking in a room and seeing your husband and daughter playing together 10. it's the best job. ever.