Tuesday, May 17, 2011

24 weeks

There are moments when I think I can't believe I'm already 24 weeks, and then there are other moments when I think, I'm ONLY 24 weeks!? I have been feeling quite comfortable and well these past few weeks, 2nd trimester really beats the 1st trimester! I'm enjoying pregnancy but I'm so excited to meet our little one, I easily become impatient. I am very happy to wait until her due date, and don't want her to come too early but I'll just say I've never wished a summer away like this one! The bump is growing and I will post a picture update this week....I just get home and immediately put my jammies on! This weather stinks!

We are getting closer to picking a name! There is such responsibility with choosing a name, but I think we are agreeing far more easily than we anticipated....well, at least than I imagined considering we had such a debate with naming Riley. Speaking of Riley, she is already aware that something is going on...she sits in the baby's room looking at the new things trickling in, and I can tell she's thinking "I'm not so sure about this...."

Baby O'Grady is moving more though, and I love every little move she makes. Her movements are my reassurance she's just enjoying herself in mama's belly. Ryan has been able to physically see some of her kicks, which I love!

This is a little random, but while Ryan and I were looking through various blogs this weekend, we ran across this picture - tell me that is not Ryan....or at least Ryan's long lost twin!!! Seriously....that is just scary!


  1. We can't wait! (we really can - we don't want to rush her) It's such an exciting time! It really is amazing that there could be 2 Ryan's out there!!

  2. Honestly one 10lb 14 oz baby was enough I would have remembered two!!!! Hope your feeling better today honey! I know Heather is taking good care of you. This is the greatest blog!!!
